Axe Brand Universal Oil is also known in some quarters as Axe Brand Medicated Oil. It is easy to recognize due to its highly unique logo that features an image of an arm holding an axe. It has been the choice of families and travelers around the globe for more than 70 years as a fast and effective balm to ease aches and pains and other conditions. This highly effective medicated oil is: colorless, scented mildly, non staining
Benefits: Axe Brand Universal Oil is blended with several essential oils to help relieve the symptoms of many medical conditions such as: Muscle and joint pain, Backaches, Sprains and strains, Bruises and Arthritis pain. Natural ingredients that come from our Earth are drawn from grasses, trees, flowers and leaves and have been used by Asian cultures for centuries to heal and soothe our bodies. This soothing oil also is very effective in cutting down on your pain from arthritis, and even from annoying bruises. Others find that Axe is very useful to relieve aching muscles, joints and ligaments that are caused by athletic injury in workouts and sports.
Leung Yun Chee took the formula back to China in his 20s, and the very first Axe Brand Universal Oil was made in 1928. Since then, this pain-relieving oil has become a part of reputable traditional Chinese medicine. Axe Brand Universal Oil has been on the market for 70 years, and it is made only in Singapore. It is now very well established as a handy cure all for the family and travelers. It is the perfect treatment for your medicine cabinet or travel bag.
斧标驱风油含有以下天然成分:薄荷醇 – 16%、水杨酸甲酯 – 15%、樟脑 – 5%、桉树油、薰衣草油、矿物油
- 成人、 3 岁及以上儿童:涂抹几滴后轻揉患处,每天不超过 3 – 4 次。
- 3 岁以下儿童:请勿使用,请咨询医生。
- 参考上述警告;不遵嘱使用可能会有危险。
- 伤口上使用本品。
- 请勿在过敏或受损皮肤
- 在脸上
- 不遵嘱使用
- 避免接触眼睛或粘膜
- 不要包扎得太紧
- 病情恶化。
- 症状持续超过 七天
- 症状消失、但几天内又再次出现
- 皮肤刺激反应过度
- 恶心、呕吐、腹部不适、腹泻或皮疹
- 用于关节炎疼痛时:
- 疼痛持续超过十天
- 皮肤发红
- 影响 12 岁以下儿童
- 请使用密闭容器保存
- 储存温度 30º C (86º F) 以下